Its been awhile again. I wanted to write and catch you up on the goings on in my world. I have been for several AFO appointments but I still don’t have them. The people who make the AFOS tried a different design and it just didn’t work and was not practical because I can’t wear shoes with them. After much playing around with foot angles I was able to stand straight in them though. The plan for now is for me to wear these while at physical therapy and get another one for my right foot to wear all the time. Logic tells me that for balance I will need them on both feet but I don’t know anything and am apparently not worth listening to.
I have also had an MRI and in a few weeks will have my first visit with a neurologist. The MRI went well and I was able to do it without sedation despite many people telling me I wouldn’t be able to because of the Cerebral Palsy.
Not really much else going on heath/cp wise. Same old spasms and crappiness feeling but I’ll do what I do best pick up the fragmented pieces of my life and move on. More later…