Monday, May 28, 2007

Catching you all up

Thanks for the supportive messages yesterday. I have been reading a lot of blogs of people with CP lately. Mostly, they are blogs of kid with CP that have been written by their parents. But I find that it is interesting to read a parents perspective of some of the stuff I am going though or have been through. Totally different perspectives but useful all the same.

A lot has been going on with me since I last posted on here (aside from yesterday I mean) and not all of it has been good. As you all probably have guessed by yesterdays post my emotional state has been a bit questionable lately. I have days like yesterday and then I have days where I seem okay. I think it is all connected to my physical state which is ever changing. I’m still a medical mystery for the doctors and now they are trying to blame the swelling etc on the CP. The problem with this is what to do about it? I don’t see how it can be the CP because CP isn’t supposed to change but I’m not a doctor so my opinion doesn’t seem to matter.

On a positive note I have been walking in my brand new walking rails a little bit in the last few days. Now if only it would stop raining for long enough for me to do it today. I can’t do it when it is yucky outside because the rails have to live outside and don’t fit in our house. I need my own place just for all my equipment.

I am getting AFOS to help hold my feet straight and 3 point splints to help straighten my knees next week. The AFOS are a lovely (NOT) camouflage print because it was the best of a really really bad lot I had to pick from. There were a ton of prints that would be fine if I were about 5 years old but…

Anyway you are pretty much caught up with the main events in my life since I last wrote. I will write again tomorrow.

Love you all,


1 comment:

Penny L. Richards said...

Completely agree about the childish prints available for AFOs! My son is small for his age, but at 11 and in middle school he's NOT wearing teddybears, puppies, or other nonsense to school every day. We've done racing flames, and checks, but there should be better options, you're dead-on there!